Unlock Your Speed: Your Path to Athletic Excellence Starts Here
Become Legend.
Legacy Speed Academy is driven to develop and enhance youth athletes by providing an elite level training experience. We offer speed & agility training to both new and competitive athletes. Our program is focused on creating champions both on and off the field. We accomplish this by creating a high energy and positive atmosphere, that allows our athletes to have fun, gain confidence, increase athletic performance and become legendary while doing so.
Our team is different. We understand that training and talent alone will only take an athlete so far. With that being said we incorporate "mindset" training into our program. We believe that mindset is everything, and is the difference between athletes that are good, great, and phenomenal. Teaching athletes how to break through mental barriers allows them to overcome obstacles that prevent many athletes from achieving their dreams.
Speed and agility are skills that can be taught. Join the academy, and become legendary!

Our Services

Real athletes, real results.
What is Speed & Agility?
Speed: The body's ability to move in one direction as fast as possible.
Agility: The body's ability to react, explode, change direction, balance, and utilize force to its advantage.
Why is Speed & Agility Necessary?
An athletes ability to perform explosive, quick, and focused movements is pivotal to their success. Knowing how to properly utilize and distribute force can prevent injury. This reflects the need for speed & agility training.
Our Method
The Legacy Speed Academy develops athletes from the ground up. We start by teaching fundamental body movement which allows our athletes to establish a solid foundation. From there we move onto advanced training methods that directly impact to game time performance.